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There is no race, Walk your path humbly

Updated: Mar 12, 2020

In a world where humans are against their fellow being, a continent where there are no equals, a country where the leaders are confused and filled with greediness, a state where the rich and the poor can not be in the same place, a gathering where the rich spend like they own the world, a mansion where the well-do live with so much paparazzi, an estate where the average live and still feel insecure, a street where the gangsters live, jolly and fight among themselves, a dumpsite where the homeless live in peace and calm. I could go on and on but I will take a pause just here. “Peace and Calm”. Are you at Peace with yourself?? This question lingers in my heart for so long, sometimes I have the answers, sometimes I just don’t care and most times, I worry too much about it. I am not exactly where I imagined to be, I do not have all I’ve ever wanted, I haven’t lived the life I think I should have, but I’m sure i am exactly where my time has placed me to be. “Time” Yes you heard that right. Time is for everyone and we all will be where our clock strikes us to be. My friend don hammer, no mean say you no go hammer, eno mean say make you go do pass yourself. My mates are married with kids, please keep calm and let your time lead you to your own path, your time shall come. It is not about who got there first or who did it first, it’s how well that matters. A friend of yours just got a promotion, please be happy for her and say a word of prayer, it isn’t too much. A friend just got engaged, congratulate and wish him/her a blissful journey ahead, because you are single/unemployed or you think you are more righteous/hardworking than them, you start racing and ranting towards a time you don't fit in to. There is no Race in this life na you no just wan get brain. Wherever you may find yourself do your best and let time lead. Live humbly, this life isn’t so hard. Enjoy every moment. #TuesdayThoughts

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